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Foot Pedals

It is not necessary to use foot pedals, but using programmable foot pedals can increase efficiency and reduce voice fatigue when you work long hours. It can be helpful to program foot pedals for frequently used navigation and editing keys like:

  • up key (can also behave similar to scrolling up)
  • down key (can also behave similar to scrolling down)
  • left key
  • right key
  • page up key
  • page down key
  • backspace key
  • delete key
  • key mapped to a macro execution command for your text editor
  • key mapped to next result when searching documents

Here are some things to consider when looking for foot pedals:

  • Make sure it is programmable.
  • If you hold down a foot pedal, it should behave similar to holding down a keyboard key (repeating key presses). This is important when using the pedals for document navigation.
  • Some foot pedals do not require any special drivers while using them. You are provided with an application that is used to program them. Once programmed, you can connect them to any computer without installing anything.
  • If the pedals are difficult to press, you may get foot fatigue.

We have tested several foot pedals and have found the AirTurn QUAD500 to work very well.