Utterly Voice icon image Utterly Voice

Version Upgrade

To upgrade your version of Utterly Voice:

  1. Copy the license key from your old version. You can find this easily by saying "open setup".
  2. Download the new version. While it is downloading, read the release notes for the latest version on the download page. There may be important updates or instructions for the latest version.
  3. Unzip the download to your computer's drive or a removable drive.
  4. Quit your old version.
  5. Start the new version.
  6. Supply your license key to the new version when it starts up.
  7. If you have made customizations to the old the version settings, see the section below on upgrading with customizations.
  8. Delete the old version once you are comfortable that you no longer need it. This is a portable application, so you just need to delete the application's directory to uninstall it.
  9. If you created any shortcuts on the task bar or desktop, delete the old shortcuts and create new ones.

Upgrading with Customizations link icon

When you upgrade your version of Utterly Voice, you will most likely want to keep your customizations. When installing a new version of the application, your old application version and settings are not deleted or changed. You can start up the new version with all default settings, then reapply your customizations to the new settings files.

For custom mode files that you created, you just need to copy those files from your old config/modes directory to your new config/modes directory.

For all other customizations, you must reapply those changes in the new settings files. It helps if you tag each of these customizations with a special comment that is easy for you to find. For example, you could add # MYCUSTOMIZATION above each setting or command you customize.

We are planning to introduce a settings migration tool in the future which will make applying your customizations to the new version settings files easier.