All commands are built on functions that are called in order. Utterly Voice provides many built-in functions that you can use in your commands. This page describes how to use functions, and it describes each of the available functions.
Many functions require arguments. These arguments can be supplied as fixed arguments or as utterance arguments.
Fixed arguments are supplied to a function via the command settings. Every time a command is called, these fixed arguments are supplied to the function as defined in the command settings.
Utterance arguments are supplied to a function via words from an utterance while using the application.
A function can be supplied no arguments, just fixed arguments, just utterance arguments, or both fixed and utterance arguments. If both types of arguments are supplied, the fixed arguments come before the utterance arguments.
Each mode file contains a list of commands
in the commands
list collection.
Each command has a map collection that contains a
setting that is a list collection.
The functions in this list are called in order
when the command is executed.
A function has the following settings:
Setting | Type | Description |
name |
String | The name of the function to call. |
fixedArguments |
List Collection | Optional list of fixed arguments for the function. This is a list of strings. If not provided, no fixed arguments are supplied to the function. |
utteranceArguments |
Number | Optional number of arguments that should be acquired from the utterance. If this number is greater than the number of words left in the utterance, the available words will be provided to the function. If you want the remainder of the utterance words to be supplied as function arguments, set this to 100. If not provided, no utterance arguments are supplied to the function. |
The quit utterly voice
command in the global
calls the quit
function with no arguments:
The press escape
command in the basic
calls the keyPress
function with one fixed argument:
The title
command in the basic
calls the title
function with 100 utterance arguments
(the remainder of utterance words):
The scroll up
command in the basic
calls the mouseScroll
function with one fixed argument
and one utterance argument:
The mouse position
command in the basic
calls the toggleMode
function with two fixed arguments,
then calls the openMouseGuide
function with one fixed argument:
The following functions are available to use in commands:
Function Name | Description | Arguments |
allCaps | Types arguments in all uppercase. | One or more words to be typed in uppercase. |
autoCapitalization | Turns automatic capitalization provided by the recognizer on or off. |
The only argument is either "on" or "off". |
autoScrollStart | Starts or restarts automatic scrolling. Also see autoScrollStop. |
The first argument is either "up" or "down". The second argument is an integer number of scroll ticks in the range 1-10. The third optional argument is the number of seconds between scrolls in the range 1-100. Defaults to 5 if not provided. |
autoScrollStop | Stops automatic scrolling. Also see autoScrollStart. | None. |
autoSpacing | Turns automatic spacing between words within an utterance on or off. |
The only argument is either "on" or "off". |
autoUtteranceSpacing | Turns automatic spacing after each utterance on or off. | The only argument is either "on" or "off". |
bankCopy | Copies the content from the clipboard to a named bank. Also see bankPaste. | The name of the bank to save the copied content to. |
bankPaste | Pastes the content from the named bank. Also see bankCopy. | The name of the bank to retrieve the content from. |
bumpy | Types arguments in BumpyCase. | One or more words to type in BumpyCase. If "stop" is provided as an argument, the function completes. |
camel | Types arguments in camelCase. If "stop" is provided as an argument, the function completes. | One or more words to type in camelCase. |
closeMouseGuide | Closes the mouse guide. If a mouse action was supplied when opening the guide, the mouse action occurs after the guide closes. Also see openMouseGuide and updateMouseGuide. | The only argument is optional and describes a particular mouse action that should occur when the guide window closes. This will override a mouse action provided to openMouseGuide. The value is one of "left" (left click), "double" (double click), "middle" (middle click), "right" (right click), "start" (start drag), "finish" (finish drag), or "cancel" (perform no mouse action). |
commandsOnly | Turns the commands-only interpreter state on or off. | The only argument is either "on" or "off". |
context | Used to type a single word within a full phrase that provides context for the word. If "stop" is provided as an argument, the function completes. |
The first argument is a numeric position (starting at 1)
within the remaining utterance arguments. The remaining arguments contain the phrase. If the arguments are "one write a book", the word "write" is typed. If the arguments are "two school principal", the word "principal" is typed. |
counterSetNumber |
Sets the starting value of the numeric counter,
which is useful for incriminating during macro executions.
Also see counterIncrement .
The single argument is an integer value for the counter. |
counterSetLetter |
Sets the starting value of the letter counter,
which is useful for incrementally during macro executions.
Also see counterIncrement .
The first argument is either "upper" or "lower",
which indicates whether the letter should be uppercase or lowercase. The second argument is a word. The first letter of this word will set the value of the letter counter. |
counterIncrement | Types the current value of the numeric or letter or counter, then increments the counter. For letters, the counter proceeds to the next letter in the alphabet. If the current value is "Z", the incremented value will be "A". | The single optional argument only applies to numeric counters. It determines the number of digits to be typed. When the counter requires fewer digits, the left side of the typed value will be padded with zeroes. For example, a counter value of 7, and an argument value of 3 would type "007". |
execute | Executes an application or terminal command process and optionally types the results returned from the process. For more information, see Execute. |
There are three or more arguments. The first fixed argument is a comma delimited list of the following options:
${VARIABLE_NAME} .The third fixed argument is the path to the executable. If the location of the executable is known by your PATH environment variable, you do not need to provide the location. This argument can also include environment variables. The remaining optional arguments can be fixed arguments or utterance arguments. These are supplied to the process as command line flags. |
ignore |
Ignores the provided arguments.
This is useful for some exclusive modes,
where the _default command should ignore utterances.
For example, this is used by the "pause" mode.
One or more words to ignore. |
kebab | Types arguments in kebab-case. | One or more arguments to type in kabob-case. If the first argument is "upper", use all uppercase. If "stop" is provided as an argument, the function completes. |
keyHold | Presses a key and holds it. Also see keyRelease. | The key to hold that must be supplied as a fixed argument. |
keyRelease | Releases a key from being held. Also see keyHold. | The key to release that must be supplied as a fixed argument. |
keyRepeat | Presses a key combination one or more times. |
The initial optional arguments are modifier keys (shift, control, etc.)
that must be supplied as fixed arguments. The next required argument is a normal key that must be supplied as a fixed argument. The final argument is the number of times the key should be pressed in the range 1-100. This argument should be an utterance argument. If not supplied, the default value is 1 (single key press). |
keyPress | Presses a key combination. |
The initial optional arguments are modifier keys (shift, control, etc.)
that must be supplied as fixed arguments. The final required argument is a normal key that must be supplied as a fixed argument. |
lower | Types the first letter of each argument as a lowercase letter. Also see upper. | One or more utterance words. If "upper" is provided as an argument, letters after that will be uppercase. If "lower" is provided as an argument, letters after that will be lowercase. If "stop" is provided as an argument, the function completes. |
macroDelete | Deletes a macro. Any words in the utterance after the name of the macro will be ignored. | The name of the macro. |
macroFinish | Finishes recording the macro. Any words in the utterance after the command name will be ignored. | None. |
macroStart | Starts recording a macro. Any words in the utterance after the name of the macro will be ignored. | The name of the macro. |
monitorChange | Moves the mouse to a specific monitor. | Single numeric argument that is the number identifier for the monitor. These numbers are assigned by Windows and are shown on the display settings. |
monitorNext | Moves the mouse to the next monitor in the sequence. | None. |
mouseClick | Clicks the mouse at its current location. | Single argument that is "left", "double", "middle", or "right". |
mouseGo | Moves the mouse to the provided pixel coordinates. This function is useful to create special commands that click on specific places of the screen. |
The first argument is the X pixel coordinate,
where 0 is the left edge of the screen. The second argument is any word and is ignored. It is only present to aid recognition of two distinct numbers. The third argument is the Y pixel coordinate, where 0 is the top edge of the screen. |
mouseHold | Presses and holds the left mouse button. This is useful to start a drag. Also see mouseRelease. | None. |
mouseMove | Moves the mouse in a given direction and number of pixels. |
The first argument is a direction: "up", "down", "left", "right". The second argument is the number of pixels to move. |
mouseRelease | Releases the left mouse button from being held. This is useful to finish a drag. Also see mouseHold. | None. |
mouseScroll | Scrolls the mouse. |
The first argument is either "up" or "down". The second argument is an integer number of scroll ticks in the range 1-10. |
number | Types argument as a number. |
Either one fixed argument, or one utterance argument,
or both must be supplied. The optional fixed argument is a default value only used when the utterance argument is not supplied. For example: "1". The utterance argument is a possibly multi-word argument that can be interpreted as a number. For example, each of the following are single arguments: "three", "twenty five", "one hundred thirty". Only numbers can have multiple words in a single argument. When a word is encountered that cannot be part of the number, the function completes and that word is processed as normal. |
openHelp | Opens mode and command help window. | All utterance arguments are supplied to the function. If no argument is supplied, all modes are described. If one or more arguments are supplied, they are interpreted as the name of a mode, and the commands for that mode are described. |
openMouseGuide | Opens the mouse guide. Also see updateMouseGuide and closeMouseGuide. |
The first argument is required and is one of
"screen", "pixels", or "grid". The second argument is optional and describes a particular mouse action that should occur when the guide window closes. The value is one of "left" (left click), "double" (double click), "middle" (middle click), "right" (right click), "start" (start drag), or "finish" (finish drag). |
openSetup | Opens the setup window. | None. |
quit | Quits the application. | None. |
reloadSettings | Reloads number and mode settings files. Also regenerates associated help files. | None. |
sleep | Creates a pause in a command sequence. | One argument that is the number of milliseconds to pause. |
smash | Types the arguments without space between each word. | One or more arguments are accepted. If the first argument is "upper", use all uppercase. If "stop" is provided as an argument, the function completes. |
snake | Types the arguments in snake_case. | One or more arguments are accepted. If the first argument is "upper", use all uppercase. If "stop" is provided as an argument, the function completes. |
title |
Types the arguments in Title Case.
Words that are supplied to the titleSkip
setting of the config\settings.yaml file
are not capitalized unless supplied as the first or last argument.
One or more arguments are accepted. If "stop" is provided as an argument, the function completes. |
type | Types the arguments. This is useful in commands that require typing. |
One or more arguments to be typed.
If multiple arguments are provided,
space will be inserted between each argument if auto-spacing is active.
If "stop" is provided as an argument,
the function completes.
The text can include \n for a newline
and \t for a tab character.
toggleMode | Toggles a mode on or off. |
Two or more arguments are supplied to the function. The first argument is either "on" or "off". The remaining arguments are interpreted as the name of a mode. |
updateMicrophone | Updates the microphone status. | One argument that is "on" (turn microphone on), "off" (turn microphone off), or "pause" (pause microphone). |
updateMouseGuide | Updates the currently open mouse grid. Also see openMouseGrid and closeMouseGrid. | One argument is accepted. If this is a "screen" mouse guide, this is a selected screen label. If this is a "pixels" mouse guide, this is a pixel coordinate. If this is a "grid" mouse guide, this is a grid cell identifier (1-9). |
upper | Types the first letter of each argument as a uppercase letter. Also see lower. | One or more utterance words. If "lower" is provided as an argument, letters after that will be lowercase. If "upper" is provided as an argument, letters after that will be uppercase. If "stop" is provided as an argument, the function completes. |